You Should Not Clean this Kitchen Tool EverQ

Sponges are unsanitary. Not only is it odiferous and stinky, but it is also teeming with bacteria that could make you sick. (According to some, the average household sponge is dirtier than a toilet seat.) As with any other germ-infested item or surface in your home, it makes sense to attempt to clean your sponge. Isn't it better to be safe than sorry? You'd assume so, but you'd be wrong. We'll explain why, but just as a heads-up, you should probably just replace your filthy sponge. Make no attempt to clean it. Simply discard it and replace it with a fresh one. Please. Tossing your sponge in the microwave is one of the most frequently advised germ-fighting techniques. In principle, this is a wonderful idea: Microwaving generates heat, which kills some bacteria on your sponge. However, as convenient as nuking is, it is ineffective at eliminating germs. To begin, it poses a significant fire hazard: Microwaving your sponge fast generates sparks that may harm your sponge an...