How to Make Fruit and Vegetable Washer

 While it may be tempting to consume fresh food directly from the grocery bag, please refrain! While commercial food cleanliness is advanced, the majority of our personal produce handling techniques are not: That piece of fruit was almost certainly touched by numerous hands before it made its way into your cart – maybe dirty hands, such as those of my small children. I apologize for it (and suggest you wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them).

While store-bought vegetable washes have not been shown to be as successful as we would like, you may be uncomfortable simply running your fruit under cold water as the FDA recommends. If this is the case, consider preparing your own fruit and vegetable wash to remove debris, remove pesticides, and eradicate some of the bacteria passed on to your produce by other store shoppers.

Here's how to make your own fruit and vegetable wash.

This recipe incorporates vinegar, a common element in do-it-yourself cleaning remedies. Although some individuals use vinegar as a disinfectant, it is not a certified disinfectant and does not effectively kill hazardous bacteria such as staphylococcus. Having said that, vinegar is acidic, which makes it a highly effective cleaning.

Making Your Own Fruit and Vegetable Wash

What You Will Require

Bottle with sprayer

Cup and spoons for measuring


White vinegar that has been distilled


Juice of lemon

Scrub brush with care

Towels papier


Create your own solution: To clean the majority of fruits and vegetables, fill your spray bottle halfway with 1 cup vinegar and 4 cups water, then add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Shake vigorously to mix.

Prepare your produce by placing it in a colander in the sink. Let it sit for two to five minutes after liberally spraying it with the mixture.

Rinse well with cool water, using a vegetable scrub brush to remove the mixture from thicker-skinned produce.

Dry: Using paper towels, pat dry.

How to Prepare a Veggie Wash for Leafy Green Vegetables

What You Will Require

Bowl made of glass or metal

Cup and spoons for measuring

White vinegar that has been distilled



Salad spinner or colander

Towels papier


Create your own solution: Greens should be placed in a clean glass or metal bowl. Add a tablespoon of salt to the bowl after filling it with a solution of 1 cup vinegar to 4 parts water.

Allow the greens to soak in the solution for two to five minutes before removing them.

Rinse well with cold water in a colander or salad spinner basket.

Dry the greens with paper towels or a salad spinner. It's best to do this just before eating the greens, as any excess moisture can cause the greens to rot in the fridge.


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